Home Stretch

Home Stretch
flower garden in a polaroid frame with 'a small plot of summer success' written under it

The last two nights have held dreams about moving. Our oldest is in his final days at his current location. Our youngest has flown out to help him pack and co-pilot on the long drive across the country. The dreams consist of rollercoasters, tunnels, overpacked trucks (think Beverly Hillbillies). Surprised to find my dream life so involved with what is happening 800 miles away. Yet another mystery of motherhood – when we join those we love in the sleepy between space. 

I have one more trip planned in 2024 – maybe two. In a couple weeks, I’m excited to become a Certified Exactly What to Say Professional with Phil M. Jones. Marc has been a Guide in this community for a few years now. Phil is a dear friend that I have gotten to meet and know through National Speakers Association. I’m looking forward to learning from Phil, to being in a room of brilliant individuals, and to visiting NYC. While we are in the city, we will go see Six on Broadway and are hoping for at least a quick hug from our oldest as his days for his Masters degree begin. From there I will drive up to Western MA to see our youngest. Then I will head home, taking two days to drive in solitude. I may make plans to return to Western MA at the end of the Semester to help the youngest pack up and drive home. 

From September 18 – midDecember, I am blissfully home. Marc will travel. I will drop him off and pick him up at the airport. And I will be home. 

I’m not sure that I’ve been as aware of a period of “home” as I am this fall. It has me wondering what surprises and gifts might be lurking around the corner. 

Things I know that will happen during this ‘home stretch’ – 

  • I am going to join Toastmasters and will practice my love of speaking with a club of outstanding people 
  • I will participate in NaNoWriMo 2024, making my second commitment to writing 50,000 words in November (I was a Winner in 2022)
  • I will continue to grow my coaching practice. 
  • I will co-lead Cohort 10 of Quadrant 3 Leadership Coach Certification.  

Do you ever feel like there is a happy something waiting around the corner for you? That is how I feel about this fall. Content expectation with a dash of playfulness. 

How often do you become aware of where you are ? 

How often do you shift into motion? 

When do you know when to stay still and receive? 

I remember visiting butterfly habitats with the kids. I loved sitting in careful, calm stillness and having the butterflies land on me to explore. It is with that kind of calm waiting that I find myself peering through the end of this year. 

What do you see? What do you hold? What do you hope?

What will you give? What can wait? What will you receive?