A Few of My Favorite Questions
My patron saint of questions (and fashion) Ms. Frizzle says “If you keep asking questions, you’ll keep getting answers.” I think if I were to make a list of questions, I would have a hard time finding the end of it. I am very in touch with my 3 year old self’s curiosity (but, why…)…
Did you Know this about Emily?
Something you might not know about me is that I giggle like a kid at a candy counter when I get to buy stamps. The designs of stamps themselves bring me joy. And beyond that, they feel like a secret code to adventure. Stamps, cards, and letters awaken the same adventure and mystery that I…
Empty Space
Do you love an empty space? Does it make you feel a sense of possibility, calm, anxiety, or something else? If I take too long to evaluate the possibilities, an empty space becomes a source of overwhelm and perfection for me.. a mistaken belief that I have this valuable real estate so I have to…
What do you wanna be?
I remember my kindergarten classroom pretty clearly. I was a “morning student” – a subject I remember the mothers around me talking about as they anticipated our first school assignments of teachers and times. Mrs. McPike administered both my first public embarrassments and triumphs. And she opened the universe to me as the letters joined…
Check Your Lenses
“I don’t like these glasses! They don’t feel right and I don’t like the way they look.” It was a vivid dream. I had received two sets of eyeglasses and the pair that everyone else liked were not my choice. The ones that wanted to choose felt good, looked quirky. But they weren’t perfect either.…