Just a month ago, I visited Caesar’s Head State Park in South Carolina. Today this region holds thousands of lives that have been disrupted, destroyed, forever altered. Sometimes silence is better than words.
Doin’ New Things this Week…
In August, I joined a local Toastmasters Club, fulfilling a dream that I have carried for almost thirty years. On Wednesday, I delivered my first “Icebreaker” speech to the club. Want to read what planned to say… check it out here. This past summer, I made a list of all the local places that I…
Picture This
Picture this. A 7yo kid that was so excited to get her first library card getting to walk through the holy and beautiful doors of the New York Public Library. Was it the little girl or the 51 year old woman who stepped with respect and awe through the halls? Picture this. A kid that…
Word Tools
My go-to dictionary is Merriam Webster. One of the flavors of my love affair with words is to know ALL that a word means, and to peak around at uses of the word that I might not have considered. I’m also quite fond of tracing a words origins (and do not have a single go-to…
I love Tools
Marc likes to tell people, especially contractors that come to our home, that “She’s the one that wears the tool-belt in our family” as they try to have a detailed conversation about whatever they are recommending or getting ready to do. This has been one of the flavors in our marriage that I think we…
Home Stretch
The last two nights have held dreams about moving. Our oldest is in his final days at his current location. Our youngest has flown out to help him pack and co-pilot on the long drive across the country. The dreams consist of rollercoasters, tunnels, overpacked trucks (think Beverly Hillbillies). Surprised to find my dream life…