Perfectly planned, perfectly executed

Have you ever perfectly planned a trip? You imagined the destination, you set the guest list and budget, you created a timeline. You knew where to stop for coffee. You knew which restaurants you would eat at each night and knew how much dollars and many calories you would spend. You knew that it would take thirteen and a half minutes to walk from your airbnb to the theater where you would sit in the fifteenth row, seventh seat in to watch a community theater production of The Music Man which would include a very nervous Winthrop who ended up running off the stage in terror when he saw all the faces looking up at him. You planned an extra 2.5 hours for the flat tire to be changed. And you knew on which mornings you would end up with a coffee stain on your shirt or jeans and brought enough changes of clothes and had tide sticks stashed in the easiest to find places.

Have you ever perfectly planned that trip? And then it went perfectly according to plan?

Me either.

When the plan didn’t come together perfectly, did you stay home? When the plan began to take unexpected twists and turns, did you call off your perfect trip and just go home?

Me either.

Which leads me to February 1, 2022. I set my destination. I made a plan. I imagined all the details. It was going to be perfect. And then I kept learning. And then I kept wondering. And my imagination wandered and my plans grew. And my plans outgrew my perfect plan. And the details outgrew my hours of day.

And I wanted to go home. And just spend some more time Perfectly Planning. It’s my trip. I’m allowed to make that decision.

But when I look at the full scope of this journey honestly, I think I might never know all the twists and turns. I might never get all the details taken care of. And the option is to set out or to stay at home tangled up in my perfect web of what-if.

I really want to go on this journey. I feel a resonant call and deep joy. And I tell my perfect self thank you for the push to excellence. Now sit in the back seat. Buckle your seat belt. Here is a weighted blanket to keep you calm and here is a bottle of water and some goldfish. We’re on an adventure.

Folks. I’m putting out my flag. I’m a coach. A Life and Leadership coach. A curious coach. A fun coach with a hot dose of intuition. I listen. I ask questions (I love questions). I love working with all shapes and sizes of people. I believe that each of us has seeds within us, and when it is time for a seed to sprout it pushes things around. New growth comes with questions, discomfort, and hope.

So, Happy February 1 guys. I’m a Coach. I’m accepting a limited number of clients. I can’t promise that I will do business or life Perfectly, but I will do it with my whole imperfect learning and growing self.

To try out a complimentary coaching session with me, fill out the form at the bottom of my front page. And, of course, feel free to pass it on.

Stay tuned for more information and an ever changing website. It will be a great (imperfect) adventure. I promise.