Happy Sprouts Day!
Creating and writing for this newsletter has been such a fun challenge. Looking at the names as they show up in the newsletter database, I am so thankful for each of you choosing to hang out with me here and to support this adventure.
I wanted to give you some updates on the seeds that are being planted and growing in my life.
This past weekend, I spent five days assisting in a Co-Active Process course. The course, conducted via zoom, included people from Spain, Korea, Germany, Canada and across the US. It was a joy to support students and the leaders over these last five days.
Assisting with Co-Active is my favorite place to serve these days. I had a funny conversation with Marc and my coach when I realized that serving could be my happy place! Volunteering can (should?) be “I get to!” not “I have to…”! (That was a lot of punctuation.)
I will be traveling to Maine in a couple weeks to spend some time with my parents. It will be the first time that I have flown by myself since 2012 (?) when I went to a blogging conference in Harrisburg PA. Are there still blogging conferences?

Once I return to SC, I will take my final exam with Co-Active. I feel quite excited for this completion and have some wonderful coaching peer friends that I’ve lined up to work my coaching muscles in preparation for that day. This oral exam will be two hours long via zoom. Following this exam, I will sign up for the International Coach Federation exam where I will earn my first credential from them.
My coaching practice is OPEN and continues to grow. I’m enjoying both the coaching and the business ownership process – and learning so much! Marc and I are continuing to explore and craft ideas about how we will work together in this new season.
I’m writing a lot more these days and have more project ideas than hours in my weeks. So I’m learning to break big ideas down and to let some ideas just wait in the back of the closet for now.
On Mondays this winter, I’ve been taking an Improv class. Improv combines my values of growing and playing and connecting. I will not be taking to the stage anytime soon, but in the fall I will probably take the next course.
Finally, sewing and quilting have been the primary way that I care for my creative self. Last month, I took a course that allows me to rent a long arm quilting machine at one of our local studios. Using a longarm quilting machine adds a whole new dynamic to my fabric play.
The music that has my toes tapping this week is from the artist Pink Martini. A new friend recommended them and I have found their world music style to be a lovely companion while I work and play.