I love my toothbrush. A few years ago when I was feeling all the uncertainty of what to get Marc for Christmas, a stroll through Target found me in the dental hygiene aisle getting matching toothbrushes. You can’t top me for romantic gifts!
We got matching (well, his is black and mine is white) Philips Sonicaire brushes. What I love about this toothbrush is the built in timer and the bzzz that reminds me to move onto another region in my mouth.
What I’ve noticed lately, though, is because I know that I’m on a two minute timer, I am maximizing these minutes. I tidy the bathroom. I plan my outfit. I check the weather. I choose earrings. I do leg lifts or heal lifts. You can get a lot done in two minutes, you know.
At some point last week, it occurred to me to ask myself “What do you have that is so important that you can’t just stand here and brush your teeth? What is the rush?”
I don’t have an answer.
And even with my curiosity shining light on what is more and more feeling like a bad habit, I’m still rushing around with my toothbrush in my mouth.
I have two options that I can see: embrace the habit or interrupt it.
Embracing the habit of the toothbrush rush – invites a sense of humor and self-amusement. There is no harm in this habit. It is ONLY two minutes of rushing about. And how sweet that I think I can build an empire (or a day) while rushing round with a toothbrush in my mouth. Watch out world!
Deciding to take the two minutes of brushing my teeth to simply be with myself in the mirror – invites a potentially present pause and prepare moment, a moment to check in with myself and set a compass for the day. It interrupts what has become a rushed part of the day and either disciplines or invites (depending on the day) my whole self to be still.
Can you tell through my writing which I think I need more? I don’t think one is better than the other. But I do recognize an opportunity to support my whole-life living in a different way that might be better for me right now.
Standing still, making eye contact with myself, being curious and present to the person in the mirror – for two timed minutes – ONLY two minutes – why does it feel so long….
What do you catch yourself doing without intention? Is there an interruption you can invite to learn something new?