
Let’s have some fun. Grab your phone and open your photo app. 

Look through the photos you’ve collected over the last thirty days. 

Choose one. Look at it. If you need to turn your phone so it fills your screen, do that. 

What do you see? 

Picture of a lighthouse

Next, zoom in SOME. Move the picture around. Look at the edges of what you captured in this photo. What do you notice? 

mid-range picture of a light house

Zoom in some more. Read the picture as though it were words on a page. Left to right, line by line. What is here now? 

Close up picture of a lighthouse with "As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own frear, our presence actually liberates others. Marianne Williamson"

One more time, zoom in the rest of the way. Imagine your picture being cut into puzzle pieces that have somehow fit together. 

What colors and shapes do you see? 

What is here now that wasn’t here before? 

close up picture of a lighthouse with a jigsaw puzzle drawn over it

Now zoom OUT all the way and look at the whole picture again. 

Why did you snap this photo in the first place? 

Who or what grabbed your attention and affection? 

What emotions return to you as you look at this picture? 

What new insights or memories are present to you now? 

I would love to see your picture – and hear what you discovered when you created time to notice.