Category: Questions

  • I love Tools

    I love Tools

    Marc likes to tell people, especially contractors that come to our home, that “She’s the one that wears the tool-belt in our family” as they try to have a detailed conversation about whatever they are recommending or getting ready to do. This has been one of the flavors in our marriage that I think we…

  • What is Home?

    What is Home?

    When you think about home, what do you imagine?

  • How Much Have You Grown

    How Much Have You Grown

    How much have grown this year?  How do you know?  When the kids were young we had a big poster that had a tree where we could mark their growth. (I wonder where that went…) On birthdays and other occasions we would mark their height and compare their growth to their past markings and their…

  • Zoomies

    Let’s have some fun. Grab your phone and open your photo app.  Look through the photos you’ve collected over the last thirty days.  Choose one. Look at it. If you need to turn your phone so it fills your screen, do that.  What do you see?  Next, zoom in SOME. Move the picture around. Look…

  • Capacity Connection

    Capacity Connection

    Recently I spoke to a dear friend and she shared with me that she is learning to live within her capacity. The first step to this is noticing what her capacity is for each day, and living with grace and acceptance in those boundaries. What this released for her was being able design her expectations…

  • A Few of My Favorite Questions

    A Few of My Favorite Questions

    My patron saint of questions (and fashion) Ms. Frizzle says “If you keep asking questions, you’ll keep getting answers.”  I think if I were to make a list of questions, I would have a hard time finding the end of it. I am very in touch with my 3 year old self’s curiosity (but, why…)…