Anthropormorphic Sun

Anthropormorphic Sun

It’s been a busy start to the summer in our family. Our youngest was home for a month, and last week returned to the northeast to work at a summer camp in Vermont. Our middle is getting ready to go visit our oldest in TX next week. And our oldest is making plans to move to NYC for his master’s degree. Sometimes vacation and rest are best spent at home while the world spins around us.

Today marks the Summer Solstice. The longest sunlit day of the year. When the sun seems to pause briefly before heading in the other direction. Of course, this is just us on the tilting earth in the northern hemisphere as passengers for our regular annual rotation around the life-giving orb. But the anthropomorphic relationship and celebration with our sun delight me.

If you were to ‘pause’ with the sun today, would you be remembering where you have travelled so far this year? Would you be looking ahead? Maybe a little bit of both?

I will pause tonight, sitting at the firepit on our patio (fires are a big part of a lot of traditional Midsummer celebrations). I will imagine a pause, standing with my feet firmly planted in right now, allowing my heart to celebrate what has been, and to fill with hope for what will come.