Hello Friends, and how is it the middle of June?
I’m convinced that Doctor Who was a little more than right: “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint — it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff.” Recently, one of my home visit nurses was astonished by my almost…
Would that Keep You Home?
Would you cancel the trip and pack everything up and just go home? Would you sleep in the car? Or would you just adjust your location on the ground so that you and the root could sleep peacefully near each other but not with each other? I found myself looking ahead with a few projects…
Back to our ‘Regular’ scheduled…
Happy June! And welcome (back) to Sprouts. You may be aware that while I was in Maine visiting my family in April, I had a frightening medical experience. A subarachnoid aneurysm burst, I seized, and was rushed to the small town hospital nearby. Then I was life-flighted to a Portland hospital where I had brain…
Emily Tangled
So last week, I wrote about Max being tangled up in the laundry room. This week, you’d find me tangled up. With one, two, three, four wires sticking out of me. I am ok. I’m at Maine Medical Center in Portland. And I’m getting tremendous care. I came to Maine for an extended…
Max Tangled
Last week I stood in our kitchen and heard the washing machine banging. As I sipped my coffee, I observed the responsible thing to do would be to trudge upstairs, interrupt the cycle, and re-balance the clothes. Then I realized that I hadn’t started a load of laundry. What could possibly be making all that…
First Quarter Review
When I saw people begin to post reflections of their first quarter last week, I was convinced they had to be partaking in a massive early April Fool’s joke. I don’t now how many times I counted January, February, March on my fingers wondering if they really equal three months. When I finally resolved that…