Category: Coaching

  • About the Sunflower

    About the Sunflower

    It all began with a seed.  And now it is a sunflower. A sunflower is often associated with EJPitman. My website, scheduling account, the logo that I use (when I remember to), the Sprouts header – all feature a single Russian Mammoth sunflower. Whenever I use this sunflower, I want to share the story of…

  • Just a drop in the bucket….

    Just a drop in the bucket….

    Last fall, I caught myself using this phrase. “It’s just a drop in the bucket….” meaning it will barely make a difference compared to what is needed. I have no recollection of what I was thinking about or what conversation might have prompted this metaphor. I imagine I have used and read this idiom without…

  • Is it coaching or a road trip?

    Is it coaching or a road trip?

    Is it coaching or a roadtrip? Where are we going? Do I have everything I need? How does it all fit? Am I on the right road? What is the next step?

  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    If I’m honest with you, and with me, there is hardly any magic for me when the calendar changes from December to January. It is a dark time of year and cold. I’ve probably overindulged over the last month with food, drink, spending, and people – and I’m tired. I have tried to stir up,…

  • Perfectly planned, perfectly executed

    Perfectly planned, perfectly executed

    when I look at the full scope of this journey honestly, I think I might never know all the twists and turns. I might never get all the details taken care of. And the option is to set out or to stay at home tangled up in my perfect web of what-