Category: Creativity

  • Anthropormorphic Sun

    Anthropormorphic Sun

    It’s been a busy start to the summer in our family. Our youngest was home for a month, and last week returned to the northeast to work at a summer camp in Vermont. Our middle is getting ready to go visit our oldest in TX next week. And our oldest is making plans to move…

  • Wilting Basil

    Wilting Basil

    We bought a basil plant at the grocery store last week. I can’t remember what recipe A. was going to make for dinner, but the fresh basil leaves – as they always do – played a big role in the dish tasting wonderful and the house being filled with an aroma that made my stomach…

  • I spy

    I spy

    Let’s go on a treasure hunt! Set some time aside over the week. Set a destination (home, kitchen, park, mall, museum – wherever you like). And grab your phone. Here is your list. Something redSomething translucentSomething shinySomething dustySomething yellowSomething sharpA collectionSomething that holds a memoryA favorite wordSomething blueSomething that makes you smile Now create a…

  • Charting Creativity

    Charting Creativity

    The ongoing project in my personal world is creating order from the files on my computer. Not only do I have the ‘regular’ sorts of files like warranties and financial records, I have have 24 years of poorly stewarded digital photos, and about 18 years of homeschooling work and records. Let me give you a…

  • A Field Trip to Artisphere

    A Field Trip to Artisphere

    When I mentioned in Sprouts that I would share pictures from the date with myself at Artisphere, I hadn’t considered the artists. As I began taking pictures of some of my favorite stalls, I realized that to share their work on my website would probably be compromising. So here are some street picture. Artisphere’s website…

  • Take a Date

    Take a Date

    This weekend is the 20th anniversary of Artisphere on Main Street of Greenville, SC. One of the reasons that we moved to Greenville was the ‘art scene’. We had no idea what that would amount to until we got here. Greenville not only has one of the most beautiful Main Streets that I have ever…