I’m (avoiding) working on my resume. a: a short account of one’s career and qualifications b: a set of accomplishments Lately, Anna has been making cakes of yarn with this fancy winder thing she purchased. When we leave the room or go to bed at night, the kittens have been undoing the yarn cakes, and trotting off…
Happy New Year
Happy New Year! The 50 years of life that are mine have more or less operated around academic calendars. August has always been a beginning. Last Year, I finally began to embrace the rhythm of seasons that works for me. Beginning in the cold dark winter (January), doesn’t work for me. It feels more like…
Sprouts in my Life
Happy Sprouts Day! Creating and writing for this newsletter has been such a fun challenge. Looking at the names as they show up in the newsletter database, I am so thankful for each of you choosing to hang out with me here and to support this adventure. I wanted to give you some updates on…
What is the Beginning?
What is the beginning? In the beginning…. It’s a poetic phrase that begins a beautiful imagining of how it all began. But today, I find myself wondering what is the beginning? Or what is A Beginning. One child has ended their college career – and begun the next stage in his adult life. One child…